The Canadian Association for Long Term Care is pleased to be joining Canadians from across the country in honouring Canada’s nurses for National Nursing Week 2023. The theme this year is Our Nurses. Our Future. This theme showcases the many roles that nurses play in a patient or resident’s care journey, the courage and commitment that nurses display each day, and the important role that nurses play in their communities.
My own career path started in nursing, and I understand the fulfilment, joy and difficulties that come with this role, but it’s passion that drives nurses and will continue to shape the future of nursing. I am pleased to have the opportunity this week to not only celebrate nursing as a profession, but also share the work that CALTC is doing to support long term care nurses.
As we collectively continue to move through the experiences of the pandemic, our attention has focused on the mental health impact of those experiences for residents, families and employees. We know that tools are needed to provide the right supports to restore mental wellness and build resiliency.
Over the last year, CALTC has partnered with the Mental Health Commission of Canada to offer a customization of The Working Mind program for the long term care workforce, thanks to grant funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada. This program equipped educators to deliver an educational program that builds mental health resiliency through knowledge and empowerment. We are incredibly proud of the results of this program, and look forward to continuing to work to support the mental health of the long term care workforce.
To further support our workforce, CALTC is participating in work with the Federal government to address health human resources issues facing the long term care sector. We and our members are committed to partnering with the federal and provincial governments to find solutions to the health human resources crisis. To learn more about this work, please read our Health Human Resources policy paper.
On behalf of the Canadian Association for Long Term Care, Happy National Nursing Week! We are incredibly grateful to the nurses across the country for all they do to support and care for their fellow Canadians, and their role in supporting quality of care and life in long term care homes across Canada everyday.
Jodi Hall
Canadian Association for Long Term Care